Saturday, March 1, 2008

You may now comment freely

Those of you who groused about having to register before being able to leave a comment and tell us how adorable our son is, get to commentin'. I have made the comments section open to all, although you will have to do one of those word verification things to prove you aren't a Viagra-shilling robot.


Anonymous said...

Where are the pictures of Conrads hats with ears??? Congrats to you both. Scott & Nancy Doherty

Anonymous said...

Ha! I decoded your stupid verification word. Now, let me tell you about Aunt Ginnie's famous endowment insurance policy that will pay money for college and diapers, or vice-versa. Call 1-800-123-4567 and say the word "anonymous" three times. Or send a text message including your social security number and one of our account representatives will visit your home. Anonymous! Ha!