Saturday, March 29, 2008

Let's try this again.

In the early days of this blog we posted a photo of me at five weeks of age in 1965, along with a photo of Conrad at two weeks or so, painstakingly shot and edited to look like one another. Despite the fact that I named them "Conrad" and "Condad," some of you didn't get it. So I won't be so subtle this time. We re-shot the photo this morning now that he is closer to the age I was in the picture. "Conrad" is Conrad. "Condad" is me. The idea is that we look similar. Okay?




Anonymous said...

Call me crazy, but I think baby Conrad looks more like adult Condad than baby Condad does. Hmm...

D.S.S. said...

Condad and Conrad may well be code names for the same operative and I am smelling a conspiracy in the works here.

Richard Tooke said...

What ever happened to cable knit sweaters anyway?