We recently started Conrad in his new high chair, which is Swedish, I believe, and apparently a marvel of modern design and is no doubt on permanent display at the Stockholm Museum of Modern Art. It's designed so that it will fit him now, and grow with him until the age of 16 when it turns into a Volvo. We love it. But come on folks, not since I lived in Tokyo have I come across a more ridiculous weren't-there-any-native-English-speakers-around-you-could-ask name. It's called the Tripp Trapp. Quick, name two things you don't want to happen to your toddler: 1) tripping over something, 2) getting trapped in something.
Regardless of the name, the boy seems to like it.
"tripp-trapp"--isn't that the sound the Billy Goats Gruff made going over the bridge? the one with a nasty troll under it?
That's a cool high chair. All the other kids will be jealous. Until you find yourself trapped in it. Then they'll all just point and laugh.
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